The Nature of Futurism: Marinetti and the Volcano, Father of Arts and Technology – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
At the forefront of the technological innovations of the last century that gave birth to Futurism, the universe is artificially reconsidered (Manifesto of the Futurist Rebuilding of the Universe)1 “The Conquest of the Stars” (La conquête des Étoiles)2 finally happens thanks to monoplanes and the transatlantic flights. Time and Space, died yesterday (The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism)3, induce the destruction of the syntax (Technical Manifesto of Futurist Literature)4, and lead to the Words-in-Freedom (Parole in libertà). In this new world dominated by technique, it would seem that there was no space anymore for Nature or, to use a Jonathan Bate’s expression nobody could hear The Song of the Earth. Surprisingly into the whole futurist production of Marinetti we find, instead, a natural element inspiring the poet: the Volcano. Is Marinetti’s King Baldoria,5 a satirical tragedy, that introduces the new poetry to us: In fact we find The Idiot, a poet – alter ego of Marinetti – who defines his mouth as a ‘crevasse of a volcano’ whose ‘lips flood’ his enemies ‘with a resentful blood more ardent than the lava’. Since that moment the volcano will be protagonist of Marinetti’s masterpieces. From The Pope’s Airplane,6 the first lyrical free-verse exaltation of flight and the aerial prospects of our peninsula from Etna to Roma, Milan and Trieste to Zang Tumb Tuum; from the Untamables to the posthumous work, The Airpoem of Jesus. We should ask for which reason the volcano plays such an important role in Marinetti’s Opera. Basicly, the volcano – and the Etna in particular to which he dedicated a theatrical work titled Vulcani – is the symbol of the Heraclitus’ Polemos, ‘the war father of all things’; but also of both the technical invention and artistical creation; of all of portentous and ephemeral, becoming the symbol of futurist art-life, as well as of the precariousness of the terrestrial existence full of christian references. It says, in fact, the Volcano: ‘And woe to those who want to put roots […] Not to build, one should, but to camp. I have the form of a tent, have I not?’7
1 Giacomo Balla, Fortunato Depero, Ricostruzione Futurista dell’Universo, Milano 11 marzo 1915
2 The first edition in French: Filippo Tommaso Marinetti, La Conquête des Étoile. Poème épique, Édizions de “La Plume”, Paris maggio 1902.
3 Id., Fondazione e Manifesto del Futurismo, pubblicato dal “Figaro” di Parigi il 20 febbraio 1909: «Il Tempo e lo Spazio morirono ieri. Noi viviamo già nell’assoluto, poiché abbiamo già creata l’eterna velocità onnipresente». See Manifesto del Futurismo, «Poesia» [But: Poligrafia Italiana S.A.], Milano, s.d. [gennaio 1909]. In 4°, pp. 4. Today in I Manifesti del Futurismo. Lanciati da Marinetti, Boccioni, Carrà, Russolo, Balla, Severini, Pratella, Mme De Saint Point, Apollinaire, Palazzeschi, Edizioni di Lacerba, Firenze 1914, p. 6. In English see: Marinetti, Selected Writings, edited and with an introduction by R. W. Flint, Translated by R. W. Flint and Arthur A. Coppotelli, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 1972.
4 Marinetti, Manifesto tecnico della letteratura futurista, Direzione del Movimento Futurista, [But: Stabilimento Tipografico Angelo Taveggia], Milano, 11 maggio 1912. In 4°, pp. 4.
5 The First edition is in French: Marinetti, Le Roi Bombance. Tragedie satirique, Société du «Mercure de France” [but: Poitiers, Blais et Roy], 20 giugno 1905.
6 The first edition is in French, Le monoplan du Pape. Roman politique en vers libres, Bibliothèque Internationale d’Édition Edward Sansot &, 12 gennaio 1912. Today see also: Marinetti, Le monoplan du Pape. Roman politique en vers libres, texte présenté par Jean Demerliac, Illustré par Fredde Rotbart, Presses Universitaires de Paris Nanterre, Paris 2017.
7 Marinetti, Le monoplan du Pape. Roman politique en vers libres. This English translation is mine.
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