The Food of the Artist: Literature, Cinema and Painting in the Kitchen, from Dante to the Present Day
ITA378H1F – Fall 2019
Department of Italian Studies
University of Toronto
Since food acquired a fundamental role in broadcasting Italian identity and culture, this course proposes an interdisciplinary exploration of the theme of food in the Italian creative production. We will analyze treatises, poetry, short stories, movies and paintings with the purpose of examining “the language of food” with its social, political, religious and artistic meanings.We will begin by considering the studies of Massimo Montanari, professor of Medieval History and History of Food at the University of Bologna, who belives that the Italian identity and cultural union is founded on art, literature, music and, most importantly, food. Through nine main topics we will be led on this path by the works of writers and artists whose main focus is food. In the final section of the course, we will discuss the relationship between Fast food, Nouvelle cuisine and the Avant-garde, with works by Marinetti and Piero Manzoni. (Given in English)
Instructor: Dr. Andrea G.G. Parasiliti
3 Luglio 2019
8 Settembre 2023
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1 Giugno 2021
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29 Maggio 2021
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1 Aprile 2021
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